What to do When Children Disclose: eBook
Understanding & responding to children who tell us their difficult stuff.
I’ve been asked on a number of occasions whether I have anything available that would provide information on what to do when children talk about what’s happened to them – disclosure.
The impression I get from these questions, is that not only do people want something that will help them decide what best to do, but that they want something that is easy to understand and very practical. That is what I’ve tried to do here.
Basically, the information in this book is a pulling together of what I’ve written previously on my blog. There have been various posts over the last few years which have looked at the issue of responding to children’s disclosures of abuse.
What I’ve done is to amalgamate that material and add in one or two new thoughts and ideas along the way.
I wish you all the very best as you work to protect and respond to the troubled kids in your care.
Go for it!
Jonny Matthew
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